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Part of our goal as a church is that we want to present in the communities where we live. We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus around our neighbors. Part of that begins with getting to know the people that live around you. I once heard a statistic indicating that in the 8 or 9 people who are your immediate neighbors (beside, across the street, back alley) it is most likely that most people know 1-3 of those people. It’s hard to be an incarnational presence of God into our neighborhood when we don’t know the people who are our neighbors.

As a church, we want to help you get to know the people that live near you, by inviting you to host a block party with your neighbors. We also want to provide some money ($200) to help cover some of the expense of buying hotdogs or hamburgers or drinks or whatever else you can dream up. Money will be available on a first come first serve basis and is $200 block party not per person, so if you are neighbors with someone else who attends Fort George Baptist Church, be sure to team up to make this happen.

If you are interested in hosting, please talk to Brad Muller and fill out an application by June 30. There will be some homework on your part though. At the end of the summer, we want to celebrate what God has done in our neighborhoods so we ask that you submit a picture or two and a story of where you have seen God at work during your block party.