Child Evangelism Fellowship - Betty Andrews

Here is what I have for you the week of September 14
1. We have spoken with all the families of the STEM kids - all are coming back and so far 3 new kids are joining!
2. A new STEM team member has applied -3 men & two women on the team
3.  A new Children's Ministry Director at a local church wants to meet with me - early October
1.  Pray for the team that God will bind us together & use our giftings to honor Him and reach the children with the Gospel
2.  Pray for the team training event on Sept 26
3.  Pray for more non-church children to be willing to come
4.  Pray for me as I will be traveling this coming week to attend my niece's wedding in Kelowna. I will be visiting prayer & financial supporters on the route. Pray for safety, alertness as I drive and that I will be a blessing to those I visit with
Thank you for praying!

Betty Andrews
Pacific Northwest Director ~ CEF of BC