Scandelous people flocked to Jesus, and Jesus scandelously associated Himself with them
At your funeral don't let people say you loved your family, give them something better to talk about
Not everyone who seeks Jesus gets saved.
When it comes to abortion Jesus wants us to stop answering the wrong questions and start asking ourselves the right ones
Does who you hang out with and what you spend your money on make sense to your Jesus hating neighbours?
Jesus flips the religious world right side up by redefining God, sin and salvation.
Jesus calls us to stop fighting over what we want and start serving the world like He has served us
Our neighbours are everyone we rub shoulders with who has need. And loving them means activly working to lead them to the abundance...
Giving Caesar what belongs to him has no affect on giving God what belongs to Him. Discussion Questions: (Mark 12:13-17) 1.) What...