Child Evangelism Fellowship - Betty Andrews

Here is what I have for you the week of May 4
1.  Praise that the young unchurched boy, Zeke has made a decision for Jesus!
2.  A new Christian family that recently moved here sent their son to STEM  and he and Zeke have become good friends and will be going to Bible Camp together this summer - so thankful for a good friend for him!
3. We had a good last club and they worked on making the Wordless books bracelets & key chains. They were challenged to share Jesus with others & learned what to share with each color.
1.  Pray that Zeke will continue to grow in his relationship with Jesus & be a testimony in his home
2.  Pray that the kids will be bold in sharing Jesus and that they will make an effort to do this
3.  Pray for good connections as I will be calling churches to encourage them to use our 5-Day Club kit this summer take advantage of online training too.

Thank you for your prayers
Betty Andrews
Pacific Northwest Director ~ CEF of BC